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Applying to the MD/PhD Program

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How do I apply to the MD/PhD Program?

申请人必须向纽约州立大学上州医科大学提交经过验证的AMCAS申请. 一定要勾选你正在申请MD/PhD项目(CO)的方框。. 同时通过AMCAS提交三封适用于MD/PhD项目的推荐信原件.

In addition, 你完成了纽约州立大学上州医科大学补充申请以及不可退还的110美元申请费. 如果你的AMCAS申请没有包括三封熟悉你调查研究潜力的人的信, 这些也将作为您补充申请的一部分. 

What is AMCAS?

美国医学院申请服务(AMCAS)是非营利性的, 一年级学生入学申请集中处理服务.S. medical schools. For the 2005 entering classes, most U.S. 医学院将使用AMCAS作为主要申请. For more information, you can visit the AAMC website.

What pre-requisite courses do you require?

We require the following pre-requisite courses:

  • General Biology I & II w/labs
  • General Chemistry I & II w/labs
  • Organic Chemistry I w/lab
  • Biochemistry
  • General Physics I & II w/labs*
  • Writing/Composition
  • English elective
  • Statistics (3hrs)


* While it is recommended, 我们不像其他医学院那样要求你的物理课程以微积分为基础.

*申请人可以在没有完成所有先决条件的情况下申请, if accepted, 这将是在任何优秀的必修课程在入学前成功完成的条件.


Beyond the pre-requisites, the most useful courses to take are Physiology, Genetics, and Cell Biology. 这些课程有一些棘手的概念需要掌握,提前熟悉它们对你进入医学院后会有好处. Microbiology and Immunology may also be helpful. Courses such as Anatomy, Neuroscience, Histology, Pathology, 一般来说,一旦你进入医学院,就可以很容易地掌握药理学,但如果你喜欢的话,可以把它们作为本科课程.

当涉及到你可以选择哪些非科学课程的建议时, 我们推荐针对认知的心理学课程, abnormal, and developmental aspects of human behavior, 这些知识将帮助你成为一名好医生. Courses related to public health, ethics, communication skills are also of increasing benefit, as doctors become more sophisticated in these areas.

What are the application deadlines?

  • June - Begin submitting AMCAS applications
  • October 1 - AMCAS deadline
  • November 1 -提交AMCAS申请和完整的补充申请到纽约州立大学上州分校的截止日期

Who do you send a supplemental application to?


What if there is no pre-health committee on my campus?

In the absence of such a committee, 可以提交两封不同院系教员的推荐信, although one department must be a science department.

Do MD/PhD students receive a stipend?


Are publications required?

不,不一定要有出版物才能被考虑录取. 当然,出版物是应用程序的一个很好的补充.

International Applicants

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Throughout the application process, 加拿大学生的待遇与美国居民相同,因为他们必须完成相同的先决条件课程, application requirements etc.




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How many students do you accept?

一般来说,我们有超过115名申请者,我们通常会面试所有申请者的30-40%. 从这些人中,我们发出了大约10份录取通知书,最终的班级有4-6名学生.

What is the average GPA for accepted students?


What is the average MCAT score?



Yes. If you are rejected by the MD/PhD Admissions Committee, 您可以选择将您的申请转发给医学博士或博士以供考虑.

Can I apply to both the MD and the MD/PhD program?

你只能向纽约州立大学上州医科大学提交一份申请, either for MD or the MD/PhD program. 我们有一个指定的医学博士/博士招生委员会,委员会寻找对研究有热情和强烈兴趣的学生,以补充他们成为医生的愿望. 我们的目标是培养内科科学家,我们希望你在决定申请时仔细考虑过.

If you are rejected from the MD/PhD Program, 你可以选择在那时将你的申请只发送给医学博士或博士.  在这种情况下,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含具体操作步骤.



Tell me more about Syracuse

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Can I live on my stipend?

Yes, Syracuse is very affordable

Student Life

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Where do most Upstate students live?

While "on campus" housing is available in Geneva Tower在美国,大多数学生都住在校外租来的公寓里,因为价格很便宜. 有很多地方离上州很近(例如, Madison Towers 和杰斐逊塔是高层公寓大楼,步行即可到达北州)[我们不检查, APPROVE OR SUPERVISE THE PREMISES HEREIN.在锡拉丘兹市和周边城镇都有公寓出租. Some of the most popular areas include: the Eastwood, University Hill, and Tipperary Hill neighborhoods of Syracuse, as well as the town of Liverpool.

What is the best way to find a suitable place to live?

大多数学生使用各种网站搜索住房: www.syracuse.com/realestate and www.orangehousing.com 主要是,但不完全是为苏大学生准备的. 学生们通常会在签租约前参观一下房子.

What is the typical cost to rent an apartment?

One-bedroom apartments typically rent for ~$500/month. 大型建筑群中的两居室公寓通常租金为每月700-750美元, 而小户型的两居室公寓租金为600-650美元/月.

Can I park my car on campus?

