

Entering the clinical years is a major milestone for medical students! It indicates the successful completion of Step 1 and marks the long-anticipated and significant shift to hands-on patient care. 这也是时间, 通过所需的办事员经验, 学生开始缩小他们的职业选择. Third year begins with a mandatory orientation in which students learn about what it means to be "on the floors". 入职培训计划, 由本科医学教育副院长主持, 特色建议从当前的学生, training on those topics in which students need to hit the ground running, 引进临床师资队伍.


在第一年的深秋, clinical years courses are scheduled based on "tracks" which are designed to ensure students complete all clerkships in year three of medical school. Each track sequences the clerkships and identifies the specific period in which students take the clerkships. 学生 select their tracks through the electronic Track Selection process. 对于这个过程, each student is assigned a randomly generated number that determines priority for selecting tracks. Fourth year electives are added via My 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 or the 选择性彩票.


The elective lottery is designed to provide the greatest flexibility possible in choosing electives. The elective lottery operates on the principle that what a student takes is more important than in which period it is taken, 但是学生们想要控制这两个因素. 抽签的步骤如下:

  1. 每个三年级的学生将获得12个彩票号码.
  2. 学生 request their course preferences via the web through My推荐最近最火的赌博软件.
  3. Once the elective lottery has been run, students' schedules are available through My推荐最近最火的赌博软件.

More information about "how to" will be provided by the Registrar's Office in a timely fashion for each class as the lottery approaches.




Please review the Planning for MSIV Year ppt from the January class meeting for a brief overview of the elective lottery.  

My lottery number for Round 1 is 140 and my lottery number for Round 2 is 10. 因为10比140好, should I preference the elective I most want in Choice 2 instead of Choice 1?

No, your best number, no matter how high or low, is in Round 1 and Choice 1. 在第一轮抽签中, 这个过程将依次通过每个学生, 从1号学生开始, 然后2, 然后3, 以此类推. 在进入第二轮之前,将对所有学生进行排序. 到第二轮开始的时候, it will have gone through 150 preferences (or the number of students in your class) and then will start again with the student with number 1 for Round 2. Therefore, if you have number 140 in Round 1,139 electives have been preferenced. 等到第二轮轮到你10号的时候, it will have gone through 159 preferences (150 in Round 1 and then 9 in Round 2)


大多数课程都可以通过抽签选择,但不是全部. All concurrent courses and courses listed for variable credit are not available in the elective lottery. Some courses also require permission of the elective sponsor and specify in the Course Selection Book under Periods Offered “this course is not available in the elective lottery”. These courses may be added after the elective lottery either by submitting an Add/Drop form (with elective sponsor’s approval) to the Registrar’s Office in Syracuse or the 学生事务 Office in Binghamton or by registering for the course in My推荐最近最火的赌博软件. 如果课程需要担保人的批准 My推荐最近最火的赌博软件 will generate an automatic email to the elective sponsor indicating that you wish to add the course and request permission on your behalf. 


你至少需要25个选修学分才能毕业. Remember that up to six elective credits taken in the basic science years count towards graduation requirements. 但, Transition into Residency DOES NOT count towards the 25 elective credits because it is a required course. 有关学位要求的列表,请参阅  课程要求2023届.

How do I find out which courses fulfill the basic science selective requirement?

请参阅 基础科学选修课清单.  同时,你也可以在 My推荐最近最火的赌博软件 and if an elective fulfills the basic science selective it is indicated in its description in the Course Selection Book.


This is totally up to each student based on what you want for your schedule.   If you are planning to do away electives or electives not in the lottery, these elective credits will not need to be included in the total requested in the lottery.  Remember, you can (and most likely will) add and drop electives after the elective lottery is run.   The important thing is that you fill in a number for the total number of credits.

Can I preference the same course more than once in the elective lottery? If I do, will I be registered for the same course more than once?

是的, you can preference the same course more than once in the elective lottery, 但是你只能注册这门课一次. The elective lottery keeps track of which electives it has registered you in in prior rounds, 并且不会在以后的一轮中为你注册同一门选修课. 记住, 然而, that there is no need to preference again unless you change the desired periods. (你要么注册了这门课, 而且不会再得到它了, 或者课程在你想要的时间段已经满了.)


The Registrar’s Office has already granted you an authorization in VSLO/VSAS. If you are unable to locate your authorization (sent from the AAMC), then contact (电子邮件保护) 我们将重新签发您的授权书.

How do I find out what electives fulfill the AI selective requirement?

请参考的清单 AI选修课.

What if, after reviewing the ppt and this FAQ, I still have questions about the elective lottery?

您可以将您的问题发邮件至 (电子邮件保护) or set up an appointment to meet with someone in the Registrar’s Office.